Malakoff Mederic Group – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review


Malakoff Mederic Group(Malakoff) is a joint-managed and mutual organization engaged in providing supplementary social protection schemes. The group is primarily in two main areas of business: managing supplementary pension schemes and providing personal insurance. Malakoff has authorization from AGIRC (Association generale des institutions de retraite des cadres) and ARRCO (Association pour le regime de retraite complementaire des salaries) to manage the supplementary pension schemes of contributing employees and retired people. The group provides about 20% all private sector supplementary pensions and is the second largest provider of company group policies in France. Malakoff is headquartered in Paris, France.

Companys Malakoff Mederic Group – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review provides a comprehensive insight into the companys history, corporate strategy, business structure and operations. The report contains a detailed SWOT analysis, information on the companys key employees, key competitors and major products and services.

This up-to-the-minute company report will help you to formulate strategies to drive your business by enabling you to understand your partners, customers and competitors better.


– Business description – A detailed description of the companys operations and business divisions. – Corporate strategy – Companys summarization of the companys business strategy. – SWOT analysis – A detailed analysis of the companys strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. – Company history – Progression of key events associated with the company. – Major products and services – A list of major products, services and brands of the company. – Key competitors – A list of key competitors to the company. – Key employees – A list of the key executives of the company. – Executive biographies – A brief summary of the executives employment history. – Key operational heads – A list of personnel heading key departments/functions. – Important locations and subsidiaries – A list of key locations and subsidiaries of the company, including contact details.

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